Glutathione Sri lanka

Glutathione Powder

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Glutathione Powder

About: Glutathione, a naturally occurring antioxidant, plays a vital role in maintaining cellular health. Found within the body, it's recognized for its exceptional ability to combat oxidative stress and neutralize free radicals. In the realm of skincare, glutathione is highly regarded for its potential in promoting a brighter complexion, addressing hyperpigmentation, and aiding in skin lightening. 

Uses: In skincare, it's used in serums and creams to promote skin brightening and even tone. Its efficacy has led to its incorporation into various skincare products such as creams, serums, and supplements. It's typically used in concentrations ranging from 1% to 5% for optimal efficacy. Being water-soluble, it can be effectively blended into water-based formulations, ensuring convenient integration into skincare routines.

Quantity: 10g

Distributed by;
Caveman Redux,
No 21, Janatha Mw, Navinna,
Sri Lanka.

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How to use it

Could you tell how to use

Vikum Gunathilake

Is this glutathione powder food grade or cosmetic grade? Will it cause a problem if I consume it?

Kindly note that this is only recommended for cosmetic use, as mentioned in the description. Thank you!