BLOG | Caveman Redux
Traditional (Heirloom) Rice Varieties of Sri Lanka

Rice is the staple food of Sri Lanka. The varieties of rice that is being cooked in local households have changed at an unprecedented rate over the last 4-5 decades, keeping pace with the growth of non-communicable diseases in the country, which are responsible for 50% - 60% of the deaths in Sri lanka. A few centuries back, non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart and kidney diseases were rare cases among the locals to the point that diseases such as diabetes were considered to be diseases of the rich due to the sedentary lifestyle they led. The popular local...
'Thuna Paha' and the 42 Spices of Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Sri Lanka is no stranger to the world of spices. As the name ‘Spice Island’ implies, Sri Lanka or Ceylon offers a variety of spices to the international community. Spices are primarily used to add flavour, aroma and colouring to the food. Sri Lankan cuisine consists of 42 spices. Certain spices such as Ceylon Cinnamon, Ceylon Black Pepper and Neolitsea cassia (a variety of Cinnamon which is locally referred to as ‘Dawul Kurundu’) are endemic to Sri Lanka. Some spices such as Coconut and water, are not necessarily classified as a spice among the international community. As with its endemic...
The Untapped Coconut | Benefits of the Coconut Tree

Coconut is one of the foremost of trees in human civilisation. The genesis period of human civilisation is referred to as ‘Kalpa’ in eastern philosophical teachings (Buddhism and Hinduism). ‘Vruksha’ in Sanskrit means ‘the tree’. Therefore, in Sri Lankan folklore, it is considered the ‘Kalpa Vruksha’ or the tree that came into being at the beginning of the ‘Kalpa’ period. It is also defined as the ‘tree of life’ due to the countless benefits it offers. However, there is a world of difference between these two definitions. Among Sri Lankans, a predominant place is given to the coconut tree, making...
Breathing Exercise - Nadi Shodhana Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing

“Nadi” means “channel” and “shodhana” means “purification” in Sanskrit. This has been the most effective pranayama for me. For best effects, practice this pranayama in the morning on an empty stomach for 15 – 30 minutes. How to : Sit either cross legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground and a straight back. Close the right nostril with your thumb, exhale through the left and inhale to a count of 4. Close the left nostril as well with your ring finger and pinky finger and hold the breath to a count...
Prana, Life Force Energy or Chi Energy

Prana, life force energy or chi energy is the energy that keeps us alive. This is present in all living beings. It makes the plants grow, it keeps the heart beating. Life cannot sustain without this energy. This pranic energy, we get from the atmosphere around us as sunlight, the oxygen we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume. Take one of these away and the body will not be able to sustain for long. Prana energy is given recognition in eastern philosophies and yogic culture but not in...